Treasure Lake Winterfest 2025
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Open to the Public
Activities for the entire family
Polar Plunge - Benefits YMCA Strong Kids Campaign
(Must be 14 years of age or older)
Towels (Until Gone)
Compliments of Carol and Kristine Foltz of Coldwell Banker Develpac Realty
Registration 10:30 AM
Plunge Begins 11:00 AM
Lake Bimini Boat Ramp
1532 Carribean Rd, Treasure Lake, DuBois
$15 Per Plunger
$10 Per Student
Specialty Drinks, Coffee, and Hot Chocolate will be available.
Cardboard Sled Derby (Weather Permitting) Treasure Lake Sledding Hill 240 Ski Lodge Rd, Treasure Lake, DuBois, $5 Donation - Benefits YMCA Strong Kids Campaign Trophies and Prizes Compliments of Coldwell Banker and Paula and Jeff DuBois. 3 age groups Kids: 9 and Under - Best Design & Furthest Traveled Kids 10 - 17 Years - Best Design & Furthest Traveled Adults - Furthest Traveled Registration begins at 1:00pm All Sleds must be constructed of cardboard and tape.
1. You may only use cardboard and tape to build your sled.
2. Decorations are encouraged on the sides of the sled, but the bottom MUST be cardboard and tape.
3. Your sled must pass inspection to be allowed on the hill.
4. Your sled must be free of sharp edges, pointy objects, or any other feature that may be considered dangerous.
5. You may not use tar-based substances, epoxy glue, fiberglass, resin, or glues that harden into solids.
6. You may not use screws or any sort of mechanical fasteners, nails, or staples.
7. Your sled may not be wrapped in plastic, shrink wrap, or any other materials.
8. One rider per sled. (Group sled riding may be done for fun at the end of the derby).
9. You may have one person push the sled at the startup until a point designated by cones and/or line in the snow.
10. The same sled MAY be used for multiple age brackets; however, it may only be considered for best design once, and each division requires an individual entrance fee/donation.
11. Your distance is measured when you are in/on the sled. If you fall out, that is where your distance ends (not where your sled ends up).
Chili, Chowder, and Soup Cook - Off
Trophies and Prizes Awarded - Provided by Treasure Lake and Coldwell Banker Developac Realty
Lakeview Lodge and Conference Center
3871 Bay Rd, Treasure Lake, DuBois
5pm - 8pm
Live Music with Lonnie Lee
Music Provided by Acrisure
To enter your Chili, Chowder or Soup
Call 814-371-0711 by February 5 ,2025
Taste and Vote for your favorites
5pm - 6:30pm
$10 for Adults - $5 Kids under 5 - Free